Sunday 20 April 2014

How to show Post title First in search engine before Blog title

Post title and Blog title play a vital role in the eyes of SEO because the are appeared in search result and will surely get many chances to having high clicking rate once they have optimized in right way. So in today post we will setup how to place Post title first before blog title in search result. in default blogger template blog title display first in search result and then post title which is not good for SEO and for better views in search engine result.
To overcome this problem we will need to add some piece of code inside blogger template.

How TO make Blog Title SEO Friendly

You probably know that search engine love clean, neat, fresh and well optimize contents for better SEO and will high your blog Alexa rank in search engine.So here i am providing you some basic tips according to blog post title description and blog title.

Write your post in Limited characters

Whenever goes to write new post then i would strongly recommended to keep your post title character under the limitations of  66 characters it will give you awesome result in search engine and in this way you will also escape from broken links. to count your post character use the PBT Counter Tools.

Show Post title first in search engine before blog title

Here in below screen shot compare both results and decide your self which one is better.

  • Blog Title before Post Title

  • Post Title Before Blog Title

How To Place post title befor Blog title

In the above screen shot we have observed that post title before blog title has good effect for views in search result as it also became SEO friendly for google crawler.

Follow these step to place post title befoe blog title in blogger template
  • Go to blogger dashboard:
  • Go to template> edit html> proceed.
  • Find this html code
  • And replace it with this 
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
  • Now save your template and check one of your blog post in browser tab.
  • If it does not appear then wait for sometime google will index it soon.
  • Now you have done everything! enjoy