Sunday 20 April 2014

How to add/install Google Analytics in your blogger blog

Sometime you might be get interested to check your blog/website online visitors statistics. There are out of thousands online tools, websites helping in the same regards but in all of this and Top rank well and accurate visitors statistics counter tools which is Google Analytics (GA). Google analytics is powerful online tools from google that show all the traffic statistics about your blog/website visitors. GA is a unique  visitors tools that provides real time traffics statistics of your site as well as all your blog audience, contents, keywords, SEO and many mores.

How to add Google Analytics code in blogger blog

  • Create Account in Google Analytics
  • Click on the Signup button
  • Fill necessary box see in screen shot

  • Read the term and condition and tick the "yes" to Agree the above terms
  • Click on the create button you will be provided javscript code and tracking Id.
  • Do,nt use javascript code only use Property ID code see below.

  • Copy this id code in coming steps you will past this your blogger dashboard.
  • If you see the javascript code dont copy that you only need to insert this ID blogger dashboard

How To Install Google Analytics in blogger blog

This ver simple process to insert your Web Property Id in blogger dashboard and after that tracking code in your blogger template.

Add Google Analytics ID In blog

Now you will need to register your Web Property Id in your blogger dashboard.
  • Go to blogger dashboard.
  • Click on Setting move to other.

  • Past Your Id here Like this in screen shot.

  • Click on save setting.

Adding your Tracking Code in Template for Google Analytics

There is <include> tag that will import your GA tracking code into your blogger template:

<b:include name='google-analytics' data='blog'/>

IF you are using Dynamic view tempate then dont use this code it has already builten in it. Or try to find this code in your template if you find this then dont insert but if you could not find them then copy this cade and past in the blogger template like this way:

  • Go to Template> Edit html
  • Find this </body> tag
  • Insert the code above the tag
  • Final save your template
  • Noted Google Analytics will take about 24 to 48 hours to show your blog statistic data. This is just because google update their reports every 24 hours "just wait".
We struggle alot to bring you this amazing tools which will interact you with your blog visitors 24/hours a day and will show real time visitors staying on your blog.

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