Sunday 20 April 2014

Google Release Complete SEO Guide Book

Google released search engine optimization starter guide book. It is the complete book and everything about SEO, blogger tips and tricks, blogger posts, blogger description, post title, and you will find many more inside it. We see that today every blogger want to be a complete certified SEO consultant because the competition is over there throughout the globle world and everyone will not be succeeded unless have a brief knowledge about Google SEO rules and terms with conditions.
Google search engine robot loves and likes contents and web/blog setting according to google policy and seo rules. So in today post i will share with you a complete guide about SEO and many mores special for bloggers user. I am sure that after reading this book you will be no more to have ask from any expert user.

Google Search Engine Optimization Book

Google team released this book i think around 2010-2011. But still it is the most comprehensive and valuable book. I would strongly recommended and urge you to read and analyze everything inside it that what it gives us alot and all about SEO.

Why to read search engine optimization book

The answer is here there are as many opinions as there are experts you will hundred percent sure and will remove all the bugs once you give time to read this valuable book. I have personally implemented all the rules and google SEO tips in my templates and remove all the bugs which i have made myself.

What is inside the SEO book ?

A complete and ultimate guide about SEO. Everything you worried about seo will surely get inside the book so by asking many mores about seo from pro bloggers then why should not take a look to this amazing book.

Table of The Contents

Take a look into contents and see all of your interesting things which i am dedicating you here by a list.
  • SEO Basic

    This chapter consist of page title and blog description. It will also give you alot how to create something unique.
  • Improving Site Structure

    In this chapter you will learn about the structure of URL and also make your site easier to navigate
  • Optimize Contents

    This chapter provides all the necessary steps how to write anchor text how to optimize text and images how to use heading tags etc.
  • Dealing with Crawlers

    This chapter will all about how to use Robot.txt file and what is re nofollow tags.
  • SEO for Mobile Phones

    This chapter will all bout how to guide mobile user accurately and notify google of mobile sites.
  • Promotion And Analysis

    In this chapter you will learn how to promote your site in the right way. This will also force to use our free webmaster tools