Monday, 21 April 2014

Useful tips to Reduce Bounce rate of Blogger Blogs

How to reduce bounce Rate og Blogger Blogs
Bounce rate is considered an important factor in blogging and we as bloggers must pay attention to our blogs bounce rates. Bounce rate is the Average no of visitors who visits your Blog and leave after a short time without navigating to other pages of your blog. So it’s better to have your blog optimized for bounce rate. In this article I will be explaining you some useful tips to reduce Bounce rate of blogger blogs.

Useful tips to Reduce Bounce rate of Blogger Blogs

Pay attention towards internal linking to blog posts
To put it simpler, when you write posts on some topic such as “how to disable RSS feed in blogger blogs "and you have already written an article on “what is RSS feed” than you can interlink (hyperlink of post) your this post with your upcoming post. By doing this you are engaging visitors and they can easily navigate. One important thing about interlinking is that do not burst your post with too many interlinks be composed and have 3 to 4 links per post.
Better Site load time
Nobody on this earth wants to wait for long so as the case with your blog visitors, they don’t  like to keep waiting for a long till the whole blog loads they mostly navigate to other blogs. To better your blog load time you should have a better coded template and another factor which decrease load time is excessive use of plugins and widgets. To check your blog speed visit Page Speed Insight from Google.
Do not place excessive amount of ADS 
This is the bitter reality most of visits don’t like ads spatially when they are placed in-between the content of your blogs. This is an annoying factor, but most of the bloggers can’t afford without having ads, I am not proposing to completely remove ads just place them carefully and in limited quantities.
Easy to navigate 
The navigation also plays an important role in decreasing bounce rate, you must possess a clear navigation menu for your web log. Clear navigation gives visitor a sense of comfort. 
Include a search box to search the site
Blogger blogs must have search boxes because visitors tend to use it more rather than going to archive and labels. A good search box that you can utilize in your blog is Google Custom Search.
I hope these tips for reducing bounce rate for blogger blogs have enlightened you knowledge. Just follow these tips and I am Shure your blogs bounce rate will decrease.