Monday 21 April 2014

How to Disable RSS Feed in Blogger Blog

In some case blogger want to disable their blogs RSS Feed it can be because of many reasons. the two reasons which is coming in my mind is blogger simply don’t want its post to be emailed or if someone is using your RSS Feeds for auto publishing posts in its blog. Yes your RSS Feed can be copied using different scripts in both these case you needed to disable RSS feed. In this tutorial I will be guiding you how to disable your RSS Feed in Blogger blog.

How to Disable RSS Feed in Blogger Blog

Login into your blogger account and select that blog in which you need RSS to be disabled. Once blog is chosen go to Settings>> Others and under the heading of Site feed there will be a label named as Allow Blog feed beside that you will see drop down. Open that drop down and there will be various option available which are described below.

Full >> will display your whole post in RSS feed, Until Jump Break >> will display post until jump break in RSS feed, Shot >> will display a shot portion of content in RSS Feed,  Custom >> will display further options you can choose from, and None >> will completely disable your RSS feed.
Although in this article I am explaining about disabling RSS Feed but I have defined all the other options too so you get to know about every option available in Blogger for RSS settings.

After selecting None from dropdown click on save settings button and you are done.
I hope this article has enlightened your knowledge about RSS Feeds in Blogger and you have learned to disable RSS Feed in Blogger blog. Remember RSS feeds is a good source of promoting your blog, only disable it when you need to.