Wednesday 5 February 2014

Top Rated Android Apps for Bloggers

Being away from your computer is no longer an excuse to abandon your blog. Today's mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have the tools (apps) that can help you carry on with blogging activities while on the go.  These apps enables you to perform tasks that once could only be performed on a computer.
Android, the leading operating system used in mobile devices, has thousands of apps that cater to blogging needs. Here is a list of some top rated blogging appsin Google Play which will turn your android device into a mini laptop or notebook, improve your productivity, keep you connected and save time.
android apps for bloggers


Blogger is one of the best popular platform by Google that many personal as well as professional bloggers are using. If you have a site/blog on Blogger Platform, then you should have this Android app. This official Blogger app allows you to create posts and edit them. The interface of this app is simple, easy-to-use and it has some features comparable to WordPress.


WordPress is a superb way to kick the list off for bloggers who need to go mobile, as it provides them a choice for updating their WordPress-powered sites, editing their content, moderating comments, and much more. Anybody with a WordPress site should truly look into using the android WordPress app.


Evernote is the most suitable app to setup as your notebook and keep track of everything you have to do for your blog site. You can create as many notebooks as you want and build tags so that it is simple to find a particular note in one of your notebooks. It is also social media-friendly as you can share and connect via facebook and twitter. Files and notes will be managed easily using this app. Like create and edit text notes, to-dos and task lists, save, sync and share files.


If you are on Facebook each and every moment you are online and could hardly bear logging out of it, its android app version is something that you completely need. Just put, it lets you be on Facebook even if you are miles away from your computer or laptop.


Android Twitter is another social media app that helps you to communicate with your followers. Twitter makes it possible to follow companies which are in your particular niche and associate with them. Twitter also provides you the capability to get in touch with other people in your particular field by following them and responding to posts which they have made.


Pocket is also a popular android app that helps you to save articles and blog posts from websites or your Twitter feed that you would like to read later. The Pocket app will save the articles and blog posts and you can check out them at any time you decide.

Posterous Spaces

Posterous Spaces is another helpful android app for bloggers. Posterous Spaces is the most convenient way to share pictures, videos and ideas safely and effectively with family, friends and groups. It allows built-in and automatic posting to different social media platforms and networks using built-in Google Analytics package and custom design templates.

Google Search App

This is the official Android application for the most popular web search engine: Google Search. It is the fastest, easiest way to find what you need on the web and on your mobile device. The app features voice search, auto-suggestion and personalized results based on location, among others.


HootSuite is an app which allows its users to manage multiple social media accounts in one place. HootSuite supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Foursquare plus many other social networks. It allows you to monitor your social media activities and schedule or instantly share Twitter updates and Facebook status updates.


mAnalytics app lets you view your blog Google Analytics stats on your android device. It supports multiple accounts and profiles.  

Did I Miss Out Any Useful Apps?

This was my list of the most popular android apps for bloggers in my Android smartphone. Fellow bloggers, are there any apps other than the ones mentioned above that you use on daily basis? Do you have experience using the above apps or any other apps that you had like to share with us? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.