Wednesday 5 February 2014

10 Useful Firefox Add-ons For Every Blogger

Firefox is not really any better than IE, but the reason for its popularity is the fact that it has some very handy add-ons that you may install right into the browser. There are a lot of add-ons for Firefox, and many of them are useful for bloggers. Here are ten that you may find useful as a blogger.firefox addons

  1. ReminderFox

    This extension allows you to set up a bunch of reminders on your Firefox browser, so that you may become a more efficient blogger. The reminders are a little bit similar to those you find with a digital organizer, except for the fact that these reminders will catch you when you have your Firefox browser on. It allows you to set up a little checklist that is able to prompt you to do things.
  2. Feedly

    This is a tool that turns pages in to something that looks more like a magazine's pages. It makes doing research a little less monotonous, as it appears as if you are flipping through the pages of a magazine. It makes doing research a task that the blogger can look forward to doing.
  3. Read It Later

    This extension is a very useful add-on that bloggers can use when researching a blog post. It allows the user to save certain web pages so that they may be read at a later date. It means that a blogger may collect a bunch of pages together and then go through them later when he or she has to write the blog post. It streamlines the blog post research process.
  4. FireShot

    This add-on allows you to take screenshots of the pages that you are looking at on the Internet. FireShot lets you capture only the visible area, the selected area (you can scroll to capture an image taller that your screen) or the entire web page, and allows you to edit the screenshot before saving it.
  5. WordPress Helper

    If you use the very popular WordPress content management system, then you are going to benefit from the help that this add-on may give you. It has tools and help functions that helps you learn about WordPress and use it better. It even has functions that help experienced bloggers use WordPress more effectively. It helps to maximize the functionality of the WordPress CMS.
  6. AutoPager

    If you are a blogger, then you are going to have to become a bit of a hardcore Internet user if you want to research your posts online. Over time you will discover small irritations on the Internet, such as having to wait for the next page to load. This add-on makes it so that the end of the current page leads onto the next page. It is a way of auto-loading the next bit so that you do not have to stop and start when you are doing research.
  7. Update Scanner

    This is a great little add-on for anyone who has to frequently consult the same set of websites for research purposes. This add-on will scan a website for new updates and new pages. It is for websites that do not have an RSS feed, and can be very useful for people who blog about news related subjects, or things such as the newest movie releases.
  8. Resizeable Textarea

    As a blogger, you may often have to enter text into websites. In fact, if you are a regular blogger, then you are probably a member of quite a few websites, forums, groups, etc. This add-on will allow you to take the text area of a website form and resize it to the size that suits you. It is more of a convenience tool, but it is a great add-on for regular bloggers.
  9. SkewzBar

    This tool will add a bar to your Firefox browser. You send off your blog post via the extension, and the SkewzBar will tell you if your blog post is biased. The post is read by human users, who vote on how skewed your blog post is. The bar then lets you know how skewed it is graphically.
  10. CoLT (Copy Link Text)

    CoLT is a great little tool for copying links. It makes it easy to copy either a link's text, its URL or both the link text and its URL in a format you specify. This extension simply appears as context menu items when you right-click a link.
With these add-ons you'll be more confident and professional blogger who can manage several tasks at the same time and edit your blog much faster and easier.