Sunday 20 April 2014

Why to Join Google Site friends connects widgets in Blogger

Sometimes You might get interested in searching for new post to your blogger blog. There are out of thousands bloggers spread their idealogys information about blogging, hacking, designing and many mores on theirs blogger blogs. Even millions of posts published daily by pro bloggers but we have never attention to be intouch with them and become lazy bloggers which in results our blogging passions gone to destroy day and day and at last it becomes so hard and will feel like that we are climbing on mount everest.Thus the same person will say some words that Blogging is not an easier job and failed. No its wrong because we hear and it is proved that every thing in the begining need some ideas, thought and  plans to start. If you have no ideas and no feature plan for your career you will not success not only in blogging but in every field of your life.
So this was little about message to newbie and new bloggers that there is nothing to be impossible in the world if you do a little hard work

Why Join Google Site Friends Connect widgets ?

 In today post i have brought to you google site connects widgets thats will really help you alot we have observed that many bloggers ignore to like this community but the interesting thing is that when ever you like someone's blog through this widgets it will be automatically informed however while you are working in blogger dashboard and you will see all the recent new post published by the Author of thats blog in your blogger account

Most Faster than Feedburner To Inform

Mostly we worked in blogger dashboard to customize our blog or write new post and then we do not have much time to check our gmail account weather someone's have publish new post or not if we subscribed theirs blog by  feedburner then you will must check your account. To overcome this problem simply like the google site connect widget and get update on you blogger dashboard

Easy to join and get easiy to Update

Now you can easily get the chance to be the first commentor on any blog once you like thats by GSCW (" Google Site Connect Widget "). For example you wish to become first commentor on my new post then simply join this. You can apply this method and can reach on any biggest blog site be the first and throw the comments.

Easy to collect the attention of thousands visitors

Now see this tricks you can get the attention of thousands of people and they will land on your blog just do this >>> subscribed to any popular blog like Probloggermybloggertricks, mybloggerlab through GSCW and get some backlinks from there.

How to join Google site connects widgets

See the screen shots given below and follow this way:
Look at the bottom of my site you will see and join:

Next after clicking on Join this site:

After this you have done:

Now see the latest post in blogger dashboard:

  • Now you have analyzed that can you easily spread you site by this little trick.
  • It is the best trick to get unlimimted visitors in one day once new post published
  • We have struggle alot to make this post but if you have any question feel free to ask
  • If you really like our post then do,not forget to join our community, facebook, google site, twiter