Monday 21 April 2014

SEO Friendly Search Preferences Setting in Blogger

Search Preferences Setting in Blogger
Search Preferences Setting inside Blogger
Being a blogger user, The foremost job to do inside blogger dashboard is to customize search preferences setting according to well optimized search engine crawler. Blogger itself does not provide anything SEO ready for its users like Wordpress. However it allow users to make the blogger interface internally SEO friendly for robots. You might know we have some limited rights inside blogger dashboard that we make perfect and SEO friendly for all popular search engines which is called Search Preferences (SP). Search Preferences provides several options with the help of which we could control the overall structure of blogger blog. This feature makes the blogger more SEO friendly in the eyes of Search Engine.  If you are the regular PBT reader, then you might know that previously we have shared a splendid tutorial about custom robots header tag in blogger blog which is also one of the child option of search preferences. So in today article we will guide you, How to do SEO Friendly Search Preferences Setting Inside Blogger Blog.
Recommended:  Custom Robot Header Tags

How Search Preferences Setting Play A Vital role In Blogger

SP play an important role to make the blog friendly according to Search Engine Result. Search Preferences Features included in the new blogger Interface Dashboard during certain changes in blogger new html editor. This Additional Options solely included for Search Engines, which tells the robots how to crawl the pages according to the given instructions.
A user could easily control blogger blog and make it perfect, well optimized for robot by choosing proper options from Search Preferences. By default robot crawl every single page of the blog, including labels pages, search pages and external pages. To prevent robot not to crawl these pages, you have to follow the below simple step by step guide, which will show, how to choose proper options inside Search Preferences in Blogger.

Search Preferences Setting in Blogger

Step 1:
  • Go Blogger Dashboard: 
  • Click on Search Preferences:
  • Click on Custom Robots header tags >> And make the below changes:

Search Preferences Setting in Blogger

Search Preferences Setting in Blogger
 You done almost, just click on save changes button: Go to Step 2:

Step 2:

  • Go To Search Preferences:
  • Click on Custom Robot.txt:
  • Now copy the below code and past into it:

Search Preferences Setting in Blogger

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Replace The red color name with your own blog name and then hit save changes:

Need Help

We hope this tutorial help you a lot to make the blog SEO friendly for robot. So guys this was little for tutorial for new comers, who do not know how to do search preferences setting inside blogger blog. If anyone face any problem then, do not hesitate to post your query in the below comment area. thanks and happy blogging.