Sunday 20 April 2014

How to Disable Copying of Text on Your Blogger Posts

How to Disable Copying of Text on Blog
Content thieves are increasing day by day and and they tend to copy our original contents while publishing on their blog and websites. Sometime these copycats rank better then the original blog publisher. They are easily get high rank with out spending bundles of hours in writing posts, articles. So it is indeed unbearable for the blog owner who has spend his previous time in preparing fresh and unique contents and someone easily copy the entire post and publish any where on the web. To make these work more sophisticated for copycats who do not try to copy our post easily, we should must add a JavaScript codes which will totally disable of copying texts from blog.

In earlier posts we have shared a detailed random articles on duplicates contents plagiarism and many mores. Yesterday one of our reader request for how we can completely disable content selecting on blogger blog. So in today post we will show you how to disable your copying of text on your blog posts.

Why we Need to Disable Copying of Text on Blog

There are many plagiarism issues, we must take care of our contents and keep eyes on our duplicates contents 24/7 hours. One of the biggest problem created for those who are running Google adsense program. Because google will soon disable your account once they found your article too many time on different location on the web. The latest Google Panda updates also play strictly rules against the copyrighted contents, So we should must take care of our content and check out thrice a day who are trying to copy our posts and articles. So in below para  i will give provide you a  JavaScript codes which will help in disabling right click on blogger and WordPress So that no one cay easily grab and copying text from our posts.

How To Disable Copying Text in Blogger

To know how to do this job and disable forever the selecting content in blogspot blog we i will give provide a chunk of java script code which will completely disable right click on your blogger blog. So below is the step by step guide how to add this code in blogger blog.
How to Disable Copying of Text on Blog

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard:
  • Go to layout >> Add >> Html/Javascipt gadget:
  • Now past the below given code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"]
function disableselect(e){
if (omitformtags.indexOf(
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined")
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

After pasting the given code click on save and now you are text is being protected from copied.

How to Disable Copying of Text in Wordpress

In the same way you can also get ride of copycats in wordpress blog. Follow the below given steps to protect your texts from being copied inside wordpress blog.
How to Disable Copying of Text on Blog

  • Go to Dashboard:
  • Go to Widget Section >> Add Html/javascript gdget:
  • Past the above codes inside the gadget:
  • You done almost:

Need Help in Customization

We hope you find this tutorial helpful for your blogger and wordpress blog. But if someone face any problem in implementation then you can feel free to ask in the below cocmment section. We love to hear from you. If you know better way than the above method then we are hunger recommended to share your thoughts with us.