Sunday 20 April 2014

Add Title Tag and Alt Attribute To Optimize Images For SEO

Image Optimization Tips
In our previous posts we have discussed some of the basic tips and tricks about how to optimize images for search engines. Today we will talk about the basic requirements which are the hardest and needy factors for optimize seo images. Giving proper alt and title attributes to images inside the posts will surely rank high in SERP. These two tags play a vital role in SEO images optimization. By adding high targeted keywords inside the title and alt tag make the image more understandable for robots. Robot will easily find out these images in search results and doing so these images will get fast indexing. Now blogger has builten function for title and alt tag which allow us to add high targeted keywords inside these two tags. So our today post will guide you step by step how to add title and alt attribute to optimize images for SEO.

Image Optimization Tips For SEO

Always try to create multiple way for post to rank well in search engines web as well as in Google images search result. If your posts is ranked well in both results then you will obviously get a lot of traffics from all popular search engines. If you want to get a complete detailed about how to optimize images for better seo then we would recommended to read the below given article for perfect concepts.

Optimize Images For SEO in Blogger

Lean some basic tips about how could we make our post seo friendly for SERP by giving perfect and targeted keywords to title and alt tag. Lets start how could we do this customization inside Blogger Post Html Editor.

optimization images Tips
  1. Go Blogger Dashboard:

  2. Go to write new Post:

  3. Now upload the image to your post by click on the image icon as show in the screenshot:

  4. optimze images for better seo

  5. Now add title and alt attribute to your image by clicking one the image and then click on the property option. for better view see the below screenshot demo.

  6. Now after clicking property a small popup window two boxes will appear.

  7. There will appear two input boxes. Add high keyword to Title and Alt attribute as shown in the below screenshots.

  8. Add alt and title tag to optimize images
  9. Now Click On Ok button and you done almost.

Do the same process whenever to goes for new article. Always try to add two or three rich & targeted keywords. Do not past the whole post title or write a full sentence. So if you add related and targeted keywords it will surely rank your post awesomely in SERP.

Share your Thoughts about Images optimization Tips

Guys This was beginner tutorial on adding proper title and alt attribute to blogger post images. This tutorial would help help you to customize your post images robot friendly for all popular search engines.  Hope you would find this tutorial helpful for better SEO. This customization tips would surely increase your blog traffics organically and ranked the post on first position in SERP. We hope that you will follow the instruction in every new posts. Kindly share your views with PBT readers about this post. Thanks & happy Blogging!)