Wednesday 5 February 2014

Free Online Character Counter and HTML Escape Tool

Introducing two free online tools from Blogger Sentral. The two tools are a character counter and a HTML escape tool. These tools can simplify your day to day tasks as a blogger. I personally use the character counter to optimize the post title whenever I’m publishing a new post. As for the escape tool, it is a must-use when I need to post codes in the comments.

Character counter

This free character counter is useful for well counting the number of characters in your text, perfect for preparing Twitter tweets, Facebook status, Pinterest description, search result title, meta description and other snippets that has a limit imposed on their (text) character counter

The background color will change from green to red to alert you when the limit is exceeded.

HTML escape tool / HTML encoder

This HTML escape tool / HTML encoder converts special characters in a code into HTML entities. It enables you to post HTML code in your blog or in the comments. This tool can also be used to escape AdSense code before adding it to template HTML.HTML escape tool

Both tools perform their jobs on the fly, in other words they provide live output simultaneously as you enter the input.

I hope you like the tools and use them to improve your blogging productivity. If you find them useful, please Bookmark (Ctrl+D) and share them with others.